

Absolutely over the moon that Leeward got into the longlist of the HWA Debut Crown awards! I’ve stopped looking at longlists because I always get disappointed when Leeward doesn’t get anywhere, so I was really shocked (and ecstatic!) that it reached the longlist. Fingers crossed for the shortlist!


My author copies of the paperback editions of The Devil to Pay arrived! I did a little unboxing video, helped by Evie of course. The paperback is out on 3 October. 


It was really lovely to be featured in this month’s edition of Brevity, the Isle of Wight’s literary publication. This edition was for the Hear Me Now series of workshops and events aimed at queer creators on the island. I had the pleasure of delivering a historical fiction workshop back in June as part of this project which was a lot of fun!


The Devil to Pay is currently a Featured Bookbub deal with its ebook format at 99p! 


The podcast interview I did with the wonderful Rock, Paper, Swords is now out! I was so nervous doing this but I had a lot of fun in the end. We chatted about naval fiction, queer representation, and history!


I was over the moon to see The Devil to Pay as part of The Times’ round-up of historical fiction releases for April. It’s with some great company! Still mind-blowing that my book is out there and is in newspapers. 


The Devil to Pay is out today! So excited to have this out in the world. It’s been a journey writing it, going through frustration, lack of confidence and eventually, a begrudging love haha. Now I adore it as much as (if not more *gasp*) than Leeward! So thrilled that people finally get to read it.


Leeward has been chosen as one of The Times’s Best Historical Novels of 2023! I am absolutely bowled over by this, I wasn’t expecting it at all! Incredibly thrilling news!


Leeward is now out in paperback! It looks ever so gorgeous in this format! 


Leeward is currently a Featured Bookbub deal, at a sale price of 99p! Hoping this will entice people into snapping it up! 


I am so excited to announce that I am now represented by the amazing Francesca Riccardi at the Kate Nash Literary Agency. Here’s my write-up on their website!


I had a lovely book launch event for Leeward at Medina Bookshop in Cowes on the Isle of Wight. It was only a small affair with Paul Armfield, the manager, and my family but I had a really good time, and it was amazing to hear that Leeward has been selling so well so far! 


I was absolutely over the moon to see a review of Leeward included in The Times! Antonia Senior did such a glowing, amazing write-up and I was thrilled to read it! It’s been so lovely to see people’s responses to Leeward. 


There was a lovely write-up in this week’s Isle of Wight Observer about the release of Leeward. So nice to see it out there in the world 🙂 


I had my very first book signing at Waterstones on the Isle of Wight today and it was a lot of fun! I met some lovely people, signed some books and made some sales. Waterstones did an amazing window display and helped with some great promotion. I hopefully will have some more events coming soon! Here are some photos from the event:


It’s Leeward release day!!! 

Leeward, my queer Age of Sail debut novel, is being published through Canelo Adventure today! I’m so excited to share Leeward with everyone.

When I first started writing Leeward and posting it on the story-sharing website, Wattpad, I never imagined I would have the opportunity to see it out in the wider world. It’s a story I adore, and one which is very important to me, and I hope that people enjoy it and can take something from it!

Check out this amazing window display from Waterstones Isle of Wight! I’ll be there on Saturday 13th May from 11am to 3pm to sign copies of Leeward! 


I had the pleasure of writing an article for Writing magazine’s online site, which is now available to read! I talk about my approach to historical fiction, including queer representation, why I love the sea as a setting, and the kind of characters I enjoy exploring. 


Island Echo, the local Isle of Wight online newspaper, published an article about me and Leeward! So excited to see more publicity and interest as we get closer to Leeward’s release date on 11 May!